- Choose from 6 Cardiff parking options
- Larger parking bays
- Accessible transfer buses
- Staff assistance

Cardiff Airport has an ongoing commitment to people with disabilities, and its Cardiff airport parking features dedicated disabled parking spaces.
At every entrance and exit barrier there are help buttons, which can alert a member of staff should you require any assistance with your luggage, or your onward transfer to the airport terminal. Both the Long Stay Parking Cardiff Airport car park and the Cardiff Airport Short Stay Parking car park are suitable for disabled travellers. Both are reasonably priced and well located; the long stay is just five minutes transfer from the airport terminal, while the short stay is located immediately next to the terminal.
An excellent option if you are looking for good value disabled airport parking is Airparks Cardiff. This is the closest off-airport car park to the terminal. It is highly secured with a fence, a floodlight system, and 24 security guards on patrol. Bus transfers to the airport are included in the price of the car park; these buses are suitable for disabled travellers including those who are using wheel chairs. The bus service now drops passengers off immediately outside the airport terminal. The return and greet service can be useful for disabled travellers; upon your return car your car is brought to the airport terminal by a driver, saving you the hassle of an airport transfer.
Once you are inside the airport terminal, you will find a special assistance reception desk, located in the main check in hall. Personal assistance can be arranged should you require it. Free airport wheel chairs are available. There is a special assistance waiting area, and special fast-track arrangements are made for disabled travellers at check in. You can contact Cardiff Airport for more information by calling 01446 729329 or e-mailing PRMDesk@cwl.aero. Please contact your airline in advance if you require special assistance on the flight.