Check availability: Glasgow Skyport Airport

Glasgow Skyport Parking

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£53.99for 8 days parking (?)

  • BCP's Glasgow Skyport Parking is rated 92% by 418 customer reviews
  • Closest Airport Carpark to the terminal
  • Free airport transfer service
  • Park Mark security awarded
  • Number plate recognition technology
  • 24 hour CCTV protected

About Skyport Parking

With award-winning security and a free transfer service to and from the airport, what more could you want from an airport parking service? Skyport is the closest off-airport car park to Glasgow airport.

Upon your arrival at Glasgow Skyport

Go ahead and drive through the barrier, which will open after recognising your number plate. Your allocated parking space will be indicated on the screen at the entrance and you can then drop off your luggage and extra passengers. Park up (keeping your keys) and walk to the nearest bus stop for a quick transfer to the airport.

Upon your return to Glasgow Skyport

Make your way to bus stop five directly outside arrivals, calling 0141 280 7771 for the transfer service. After arriving at the car park via the transfer service, simply drive through the car park exit and the barrier will lift automatically.

Security at Glasgow Skyport

The park has been awarded the Park Mark Security award and is protected by 24 hour CCTV, regular patrols, high security perimeter fencing and an ANPR system.

Transfers to and from Glasgow airport

A transfer service operates on demand to and from the airport and is included in the price, taking 5 minutes.

Glasgow Skyport Parking Address

Burnbrae Drive, Linwood, Paisley, PA3 3BJ

Directions to Glasgow Skyport

  • Leave the motorway at junction 29 and take the fourth exit off the roundabout onto the A737 towards Irvine.
  • Follow the road, which becomes a dual carriageway, and after two miles take the exit for Linwood and the A761.
  • Follow the slip road, which leads to the Linclive roundabout.
  • Take the second exit off the roundabout into Burnbrae Road and Linwood industrial estate.
  • Turn left into Burnbrae Drive. Airparks Glasgow is at the end of Burnbrae Drive on the right.

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