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Across the UK, 22 airports have now removed the one bag limit and are now allowing passengers to carry more than one piece of hand luggage on flights.
After a tightening of security at airports in August 2006, passengers in the UK have been restricted to one piece of hand luggage. Many airports, providing they have installed improved security scanners, have now been given the go ahead to allow more that one piece of hand luggage. Heathrow, Birmingham and Manchester now have the improved scanners along with many of the country's major airports.
Some airports have yet to be given the go ahead - including Bristol, Luton, Leeds Bradford, Liverpool John Lennon and Gatwick among them - while some airlines such as easyJet, Ryanair and Flybe will continue to keep the one-bag limit in place.
At BAA's Gatwick Airport passengers using the South Terminal for connecting flights will be allowed to travel with more than one piece of hand baggage if their airline allows. North Terminal passengers will still be restricted to one item though as engineering works are still taking place to bring the hub up to standard.
The limits on liquids and cabin baggage still apply and airlines may place their own restriction on the amount of hand luggage. Passengers are advised to check with their airline for further details. Remember to check back with BCP for all the latest travel news and great prices on airport parking throughout the country.