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BAA have announced an emergency exercise will take place at Gatwick Airport on March 5th 2008. The exercise will take place between 7pm and 10pm to test plans to deal with a major fuel leak. While the chances of a major fuel leak a re low, legally required plans need to be tested.
Though passengers may notice additional emergency service activity in the airport vicinity they should not be affected. Vehicles involved will not use warning devices on public roads. Drivers in the area are advised that emergency vehicles using a warning on public roads will be responding to an actual emergency and should give way to them.
Those close to the northwest side of Gatwick Airport may hear a siren. The new siren is used to alert airport staff to an incident but no action needs to be taken by passengers or the public. The siren will be tested at the start of the exercise between 7.15 and 7.30pm.
If you're flying from the London hub we have a great selection of Gatwick Airport Parking with a low price option for all your parking needs. Remember to check back with us for all the latest travel news and great prices on airport parking.