- BCP only sell reliable, safe parking
- Security facilities as standard
- Fully insured services

Passenger numbers at BAA Gatwick Airport have continued to grow as figures show 2.8 million passengers passing through the airport in March, a rise of 8.1% on March of 2007.
The figures also showed a continuation in the growth of passengers to and from Ireland with a growth of 44.8% with European scheduled traffic rising by 13.9% and European charter traffic rising by 12.4%. There was a decline in the domestic market by 3.4% with a dip in the North Atlantic market of 0.3%. Further long haul traffic remained static.
March also saw easyJet become Gatwick's largest airline with 62 routes to domestic and European destinations. BAA's UK airports handled 12 million passengers last month.
As passenger figures rise at airports across the country it makes more and more sense to book your airport parking as soon as you've booked your trip. The further in advance the more you stand to save when compared to expensive gate rates. Pre-booking your airport parking will also save you time and stress - no need to rush to the airport and search for a last minute space when you can arrive to a guaranteed space at a conveniently located car park.
At BCP we offer low cost parking at convenient locations for airports across the country. Remember to check back for all the latest travel news.