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Airport operator BAA has announced that the problem causing the baggage trouble at Heathrow Terminal 4 has been resolved.
A software update was loaded onto the baggage system on Tuesday lunchtime, causing the problems. Thousands of passengers were delayed and had to travel with just hand luggage. Terminal 4 handles baggage for BA's long-haul customers.
Wednesday saw BA inform economy and premium economy passengers that they were unable to travel with hold luggage. Passengers were allowed two items of hand luggage with hold luggage to be forwarded once the problems were resolved.
Although BAA have now stated that the software system is now solved and the system is returning to normal, some delays may be expected. Passengers flying from Terminal 4 are advised to check with their airline before leaving for the airport to see if they're allowing hold luggage again.
Remember to check back with BCP for updates and all the latest travel news.