- BCP only sell reliable, safe parking
- Security facilities as standard
- Fully insured services

Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport offers more than 7,000 parking spaces in three car parks, each incorporating the latest in car park design and technology.
According to Heathrow Airport operator BAA, the parking facilities are designed "to take the guesswork out of parking at the airport" to ensure passengers arrive at the airport stress-free. The car parks are as close to the new terminal as possible to reduce walking distance for passengers, while a 3,800 space short stay car park is available with a valet parking option offering the extra convenience of car drop-off on the terminal forecourt and pick-up facility.
Terminal 5 also offers business parking and long stay parking, both conveniently located close to the terminal with courtesy transfers for passengers. Technology in place at the facilities will include bay monitoring with a 'variable messaging system' which will help drivers reach empty spaces in the most time and energy efficient ways. Spaces are fitted with a sensor-led system and a green light to indicate free spaces, with Automatic Number Plate Recognition ensuring swift and efficient entry and exit for customers that have pre-booked.
Travel Services Director at Heathrow, Hugh Fenn stated: "The developments at Terminal 5 are a sign of the changing needs of the 21st-century traveller."