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When Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5 opens its doors in March, British Airways passengers will have to undergo sine new advanced security measures.
As part of the increased security at the London airport, passengers taking domestic flights to Aberdeen, Edinburg, Glasgow, Manchester or Newcastle will be photographed and fingerprinted. This will ensure that passengers presenting themselves at the gate are the same people that checked in.
It is the design of Terminal 5 itself that makes these advanced measures necessary. The terminal design is such that the building is effectively one giant departure lounge which means that international passengers changing flights could, in theory, swap boarding passes with a domestic passenger and enter the UK without passing through immigration.
Terminal 5 at stands at a staggering 40 metres high, 396 metres long and 176 metres wide. It's roof alone weighs a total of 18,500 tonnes. A total 5,500 glass panels, equalling 30,000sq metres, form the sides of the building and provide a light and airy space for passengers to enjoy. The terminal is due to open on March 27th 2008 and will be home to almost all of British Airways' Heathrow flights - only flights to Australia, Spain and Italy will use other terminals.