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Passengers travelling to Luton airport for a late night or early morning flight over the coming months should be aware of roadworks that are likely to cause delays.
Construction of a new Eaton Green roundabout near Luton airport will affect access to the London hub when approached from the east via the A505.
The A505, Vauxhall Way, will be closed between Crawley Green Road and Airport Way from midnight Friday to 03:00 Monday to carry out works on the following dates:
A diversion will be in place during the diversion and well signposted. Traffic will be diverted from the Crawley Green Road / Vauxhall Way roundabout to Eaton Green Road, Frank Lester Way, Percival Way and Airport Way. The diversion will be reversed form the Vauxhall Way / Kimpton Road roundabout for vehicles travelling from Luton airport.
If you're travelling from Luton airport on these dates please be advised to allow extra journey time to allow for the diversion and for any delays that may arise as a result. Remember to check back with BCP for all the latest updates and great prices on airport parking across the UK.