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BAA Southampton Airport has been named the European winner of the Airport's Council International Airport People Award 2008, a top accolade for customer service.
The Airports Council International (ACI) award was voted for by passengers with Southampton named as having the most courteous and helpful airport, airline and security staff. The airport was one of the top performing airports in the Airport Service Quality Survey which is based on almost 200,000 passenger questionnaires completed in 2007. 90 airports throughout the world took part in the quarterly surveys which took in everything from check-in to departure.
Managing Director of BAA Southampton Airport, Chris Butler stated: "This award is a true reflection of the dedication and hard work of everyone here at Southampton Airport, and I would like to thank and congratulate each and every staff member for their personal contribution."
Mark Knox, Southampton Airport's Customer Services Director, stated that the award "recognises the work that our staff do on a daily basis to put the passenger first, making their journey's quick and easy in a friendly environment."
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