Customer Reviews For Stansted Official Meet And Greet Saver

  • 4 customer reviews rated BCP'sCustomer Stansted Official Meet And Greet Saver 76%

For those looking for a great deal on Stansted Airport Parking, check out our Stansted Official Meet and Greet package. Find out what previous BCP customers thought of using the service from their reviews.

Customer reviews for Stansted Official Meet and Greet Saver - BCP

Average Customer Score 76%

Number of reviews: 4

  • Meet and Greet Saver It was perfect

    Mr Spencer - 5 out of 5

  • Meet and Greet Saver more staff

    Mr Cavinder - 4 out of 5

  • Meet and Greet Saver Staff very helpful but couldn't find our booking so had a long wait when dropping off and collecting the car. So the advantage of Meet and Greet was list

    Mr Claridge - 2 out of 5

  • Meet and Greet Saver First they couldn't find me booking, I have booked with you loads of times, drop off ok, pick up is rubbish, parking is so close won't be long before someone get hit, plus a long walk to get the car this is stansted I am talking about.

    Mr Baldry - 1 out of 5