Select the location and dates you need in the fields above, click 'Find parking' and we will automatically apply your Park BCP voucher code for a discount of 12% in addition to our standard airport savings.
We offer our BCP discount across all UK airports, including Gatwick, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Heathrow, Birmingham, East Midlands, Bristol, Liverpool, Belfast, Leeds Bradford, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and Cardiff. You don't even need to enter any voucher code numbers anywhere, we have applied the 12% discount to all applicable bookings you make today from this page.
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On top of our normal savings at Gatwick airport, you can save a further 12% by booking today through this discount code page. With BCP, you can compare all the official Gatwick parking options against the best independent providers.
We often have some excellent, temporary offers which we send through to our email subscribers before alerting anybody else. We only email offers that are relevant to you at airports you fly from, so if you'd like to keep one eye on the best savings to be had in preparation for your next holiday, enter your address into the newsletter box on the right of this page and we will make sure you are in the loop.
*12% is calculated on 10% discount + 2% booking fees which are excluded when booking through this discount page.
Discounts are available for airport parking, airport hotels, airport lounges and travel insurance bookings with the following exceptions: Latitude travel insurance policies, official airport parking at Heathrow, Stansted, London City, Luton, Glasgow or Aberdeen airports, on-airport parking at Gatwick, Birmingham and Exeter, Airparks sale items at Belfast City and Luton, Newcastle on-Airport promotional products, Newcastle Airparks Supersaver, Official Valet Parking Gatwick and Heathrow Meet & Greet parking. Airport lounge discount is available on UK lounges only. Champagne is excluded from FREE drinks in all airport lounges.
All bookings are subject to availability and offers may be withdrawn or changed without notice.
This offer does not apply to bookings you have already made with us, only to future bookings.