Reviews For Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3

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  • 136 customer reviews rated BCP's Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3 90%

Need a second, third, maybe even fourth opinion? Take a look at what previous BCP customers thought of using Exeter Long Stay Car Park 3 service.

Reviews for Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3

Average Customer Score 90%

Number of reviews: 136

  • Long Stay 3 Some people had difficulty with the auto-exit system (there was a backup of many cars in the early hours of Sunday morning), but as long as you read the instructions and insert the ticket in the right way round, it's OK.

    Mr Carter - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Staff helpful, bus prompt and we have used this car park every time we fly from Exeter.

    Miss Gorton - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Unfortunately the Reg no. recognition camera at the entrance would not pick me up and I had to walk to the office at Car Park 2. Seemingly my reg. no. had been entered wrongly by one of your staff mambers. Since I suffer from angina this was far from an ideal situation!

    Dr Smith - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Once again a trouble free holiday after parking with BCP. Would definitely recommend.

    Mr Wilson - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Easy to book on line for an on site parking.

    Mrs Barrett - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Very easy - didn't speak to anyone

    Miss Richards - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Everything went perfectly. Bus took us to our car on our return. Barrier lifted OK to let us out. Very good.

    Mr Watson - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Very easy service to use. Barrier didn't lift on exit but button responded to immediately & then barrier lifted.

    Mrs Lamerton - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 were able to use car park 2 as my husband is disabled

    Mrs Kitts - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 The camera recognition did not work
    and the ticket did not work on exit,but the man on the end of the phone was most helpful

    Mr Hillier - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 An awkward car park - you can be quite close or a long way down. Not much in the way of shelter towards the bottom. Quicker to walk than wait for the shuttle, which we ended up doing both ways.

    Mr Lloyd - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Registration wasn't recognised at barrier but pressing call button have immediate help and no issues after that.

    Mrs Munden - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Some difficulties on arrival at the barrier, but these were swiftly sorted out in a pleasant manner.

    Mr Arrow - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Yes, Good experience, directions etc. Great shuttle bus

    Mrs Barrie - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 We arrived at 07.30 and were able to find a space quite easily in G row.,so not too far to walk to the terminal and plenty of trolleys. Have to be honest and say that we never saw a bus from the time we unloaded our car to the time we left the car park,so if the weather had been bad,we would have got very wet! But that said,entry and exit was very smooth and would certainly recommend to others.

    Mrs Wakeham - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Yes. A hiccup on departure was quickly resolved

    Mr Wills - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Automatic entry and exit worked perfectly. Arrived back at night and the automatic lighting was a great help as I decided to walk back to my car.

    Mr Ward - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Very helpful didn't wait to long for the mini bus service

    Mr Hutsby - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Only query is why car hire are given priority at entrance to car parking bays

    Mr Fishwick - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Yes very good

    Mr Couling - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 The ticket machine never seems to recognise my vehicle on entry even though I pre book. It then wants money on he way out so I have to speak to an operative.

    Dr Howe - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Parked in Q bay and had to walk to the terminal on both occasions as no sign of the shuttle bus. Evening flight arrived at 10.30pm earlier than expected

    Mrs Tenbeth-Ward - 3 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 There was a lot of confusion at the airport as I was told when I booked that because I was a blue badge holder I had been upgraded to the Long Stay 2 carpark with the Disabled Spaces when I arrived they knew nothing about it and it was only the help of the airport parking staff that saved the day as they managed to find me a space in the spaces reserved for Police cars. It was rather upsetting but the airport staff were very helpful on the day

    Mr Bain - 3 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Really good overall - next time we will choose a car park closer to the terminal simply as waiting in the rain for the bus at midnight, with a 4 year old, was not ideal. Staff excellent, very friendly and professional.

    Mrs Wallis - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Yes thank you facilities as described them. Didn't see or need staff

    Mrs Simson - 5 out of 5

Page 4 of 6 - Reviews for Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3 (Showing 76 to 100 of 136)

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