Reviews For Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3

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  • 136 customer reviews rated BCP's Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3 90%

Need a second, third, maybe even fourth opinion? Take a look at what previous BCP customers thought of using Exeter Long Stay Car Park 3 service.

Reviews for Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3

Average Customer Score 90%

Number of reviews: 136

  • Long Stay 3 All very smooth

    Mr Smith - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Booked for two cars both cars not recognised by cameras as we entered so phoned the number in the text and got directed to the onsite office where the guys there reprocessed the issued machine tickets so there was no problems when we left.

    Mr Dawe - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Bit pricey, otherwise very good.

    Mr Burns - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Yes, yes and yes. Immediately after booking I phoned to extend our return time. The lady was very helpful and it was done immediately.

    Dr Fisher - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Did not recognise my number plate on the way out - had to put in my ticket which should be unnecessary (ticket was in the boot so had to reverse to allow others through)

    Mr Barnard - 2 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 The booking reference did not appear on the car park ticket and I had to see the car park staff to rectify this. Booking was at Exeter airport. All the data I provided was correct.

    Mrs Wood - 3 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 It was so much easier driving as I didn't have to worry about getting to the airport on time for my flight, or even getting back in time for a bus or coach. Getting to the car park was simple and parking the car was easy enough. I didn't have to wait any great length of time for the bus to collect me from the car park or the airport.

    Miss Jordan - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 I was given a charge upon exit of 52 pound but after speaking with security it was wavered it did prove that I got the parking half price though and it was only a 2 minute walk to airport terminal

    Mr Beresford - 3 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 Unable to get out of carpark as ticket did not register, but sorted out very quickly by the car park attendant on the phone.

    Miss Crook - 4 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 everything good

    Mr Marson - 5 out of 5

  • Long Stay 3 on entry to carpark camera missread numberplate so had to use phone facility on exit - which was perfectly fine - since prepaid data obviously did not relate

    Mr Harknett - 4 out of 5

Page 6 of 6 - Reviews for Exeter Airport Long Stay Car Park 3 (Showing 126 to 136 of 136)

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