Check availability: Gatwick Short Stay North

Short Stay Parking At Gatwick North Terminal

  • BCP's Short Stay Parking At Gatwick North Terminal is rated 84% by 34 customer reviews
  • Parking opposite the North terminal
  • No need for tranfers
  • Park your car and walk straight to check-in
  • Recommended for simple convenience
  • Keep your keys

Please note: We no longer sell Short Stay North at Gatwick. Be sure to check out our excellent deals on other Gatwick parking options.

About Gatwick Short Stay North

This Short Stay car park at Gatwick North terminal is on-airport, and only a 5-minute walk from check-in. Although the name might suggest otherwise, there are no restrictions as to how long you can book this car park for.

On arrival at Gatwick Short Stay Parking North

Take a ticket at the entry barrier to the car park and find yourself a space to park. Make sure you don't park in the Fast Track area. Keep hold of your ticket as you'll need it on your return.

On you return to Gatwick Airport

Walk back to your car and drive to the exit barrier. Pop the ticket that you were issued on your arrival into the machine and the barrier will lift for you to drive through. If you incur any problems, just press the intercom button.

NB: Please bring a copy of your booking confirmation with you when you park at Gatwick North Short Stay.

Gatwick Short Stay North car park is ideal for customers who want the convenience of being parked in the closest car park to the north terminal and the security of knowing that this car park holds the police accredited Park Mark award for security. Get a great deal at this, or any of our Gatwick car parks by booking in advance. It could save you as much as 60% off the gate price!

Security at Gatwick Short Stay North car park

This on-airport, high-rise, multi-storey car park has high-level security, and as such, has been awarded with the Park Mark award for security, which is accredited by the police. To keep your car secure while you're away, this car park boasts CCTV, floodlighting, regular security patrols and entry and exit barriers.

Transfers to and from Gatwick airport

Transfers run 24 hours daily from Gatwick Short Stay North and take five minutes to get you to the airport. The bus arrives every 10 minutes so you'll never be kept waiting long.

Disabled parking at Gatwick Short Stay North

This north terminal car park has disabled spaces for Blue Badge holders in row A, level 3 of car park 5 and is ideal for customers with disabilities who would rather not use a transfer bus.

Directions to Gatwick Short Stay North

  • Leave the M23 at junction 9
  • Go straight on at the first roundabout, following signs for the North terminal.
  • At the next roundabout, take the second exit
  • Move into the right-hand lane.
  • The car park will be immediately on your right.

Gatwick North Short Stay car park Address

Gatwick North terminal
Gatwick airport
West Sussex

Additional information for Gatwick North terminal Short Stay

  • This car park does not accept trailers or motorhomes.
  • All areas of Gatwick Airport share a postcode, so it's important to follow the directions, rather than rely on a SATNAV.

Currently BCP is not selling Gatwick Short Stay parking at the North Terminal, if you are looking for an on-Airport convenient parking option for Gatwick we would recommend booking Maple Manor Meet and Greet.