- Choose from 17 Manchester parking options
- Larger parking bays
- Accessible transfer buses
- Staff assistance

People looking for Manchester airport parking that need some assistance will find that Manchester Airport is equipped with good facilities for people with disabilities, and the same can be said of the airport’s car parks.
All car parks around the airport have disabled bays clearly signed. Fully accessible bus services are available to transfer you to and from the Manchester Airport Long Stay and Manchester Airport Short Stay car parks. At the entrance and exit barriers of the car parks, and at pay stations, there are help buttons in case you should need any assistance. Buses from the long stay car park are regular and DDA compliant.
Below we look at some of the other car parks that BCP can arrange for you to leave your car at, and the services that they provide to people with disabilities.
Disabled parking is available at the Value Parking Manchester car park. You can arrange for a disabled parking space and assistance by calling 0161 775 3066 prior to your arrival at the airport. The car park is just 15 to 20 minutes transfer from the airport and offers excellent value for money. Another parking option that offers superb value is Manchester Jetparks where disabled bays are available for blue badge holders.
The Airparks Manchester Meet and Greet service at Manchester can be convenient if you would like your car to be parked for you. The service is suitable for disabled travellers. It is worth noting that Airparks drivers cannot drive any adapted vehicles due to health and safety rules. The Manchester Securapark Meet and Greet car park is also suitable for disabled passengers.
If you would like wheel chair assistance on your journey, please contact your tour operator, airline or travel agent. Courtesy blue phones are provided in the airport at entrance doors to the terminal building and the bus and rail stations. The airport’s service advisor OCS will collect you and assist you to the check in desk once you use these phones.