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Short Stay T3 At Manchester Airport

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£152.31for 8 days parking (?)

  • BCP's Short Stay T3 At Manchester Airport is rated 86% by 184 customer reviews
  • Official on-airport car park
  • Dedicated service for Terminal 3
  • Walk to the terminal in 5 minutes
  • Park Mark security awarded
  • Keep your keys

About Short Stay T3 at Manchester airport

Located just a 3-5 minute walk from terminal 3, the Short Stay T3 car park is ideal for keeping your airport parking quick and simple. The car park is also great for customers who like to stay in control of their parking; you choose your space and keep hold of your keys.

Upon your arrival

As you drive up to the car park barriers your number plate will automatically be recognised, the barrier will lift and you'll be issued a ticket. Park up in any available space in the red zone, pocket your keys and walk to the terminal.

Upon your return

When you get back from your trip simply walk back to the car park and drive to the exit barrier. Once you've inserted your ticket the barrier will lift. You'll be on the road home in no time.

Transfers to and from Manchester airport

Transfers aren't required. The Short Stay T3 car park is located less than a 5 minute walk away from check-in.

Disabled facilities at Short Stay T3

The car park has designated Blue Badge bays which work on a first come, first served basis. While you're away you'll need to display your badge.


The Short Stay T3 car park is Park Mark awarded and equipped with all the security features you'd expect from an official airport car park including CCTV, regular patrols, and entry and exit barriers.

Additional information

  • The car park has a height restriction of 2 metres
  • If you're delayed picking up your car you'll need to pay for the extra parking at the car park's normal rate which is £25 per day. Prices are subject to change.