BCP Birmingham Airport Parking Reviews

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  • Best priced parking within walking distance
  • Superb-value off-airport Park and Ride
  • Stress-Free Meet and Greet

Birmingham car parking reviews by service

Birmingham airport parking Reviews

Average Customer Score 92%

Number of reviews: 2810

Overall score: 4.4 out of 5

  • Car Park 1 Signage to the Birmingham Airport Carpark, 8/10
    facilities fine.
    Finding a free space, took some time, but all good.
    No staff interaction

    Mr Cross - 5 out of 5

  • Blue Circle Meet and Greet Staff very helpful, easy to find, easy transfer.
    Happy with service

    Mrs Jones - 5 out of 5

  • APH The one problem is the pick up on return to BHX. There is no actual information about the wait for transport. I know that you advertise a regular 20 minute departure from Mackadown Lane but this extends when all you want to do is to get home.

    Mr Hewett - 5 out of 5

  • Car Parks 2 and 3 Pre paid. But was asked to pay £346 at the exit. Called help button had to prove my payment by finding my confirmation email. Not a 1st class service by any means!!

    Mr Morris - 1 out of 5

  • Blue Circle Meet and Greet 100% recommend BCP. Everything was easy, smooth and efficient from the time of booking to dropping off and collecting my car. Great communication too. I will definitely use them again.

    Mrs Stacey - 5 out of 5

  • Car Park 1 Straightforward well done

    Mr Wilcox - 5 out of 5

  • Car Park 1 £18 more to pay because plane was late..and in unloading passengers and baggage..but WE pay !!!...never again.

    Mr Ford - 3 out of 5

  • APH Cosch driver very friendly and helpful

    Mr Rush - 5 out of 5

  • APH Very easy and pleasant method of booking my parking space. Plentiful transfers to airport. Pleasant drivers and no hassle returning from airport and leaving car park. I always recommend BCP to friends and family as always have a stress free parking experience.

    Mr Kent - 5 out of 5

  • Maple Parking Meet and Greet As it was meet and greet thought it would be closer

    Mrs Coulson-French - 5 out of 5

Page 1 of 281 - BCP Birmingham Airport Parking Reviews (Showing 1 to 10 of 2810)