Reviews For JetParks East Midlands

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  • 377 customer reviews rated BCP's JetParks East Midlands 86%

Book Nottingham East Midlands Jetparks for a secure car park at an affordable price. Want to find out what previous BCP customers had to say about their experience using the service? Check out the reviews below...

Reviews for JetParks East Midlands

Average Customer Score 86%

Number of reviews: 377

  • JetParks 1 Was great will be defo using again. So easy and straight forward

    Mr Sipson - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 everything perfect

    Mr Bishop - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Excellent service

    Mr Danvers - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Good except no noticeable signage from the main road. Thankfully we gave ourselves plenty of time and after taking two wrong routes found the park while coming from the opposite direction.

    Mr Haynes - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Vehicle recognition did not work and had to find a torch to find instructions and was given a orange token to use to exit

    Mr Barnett - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 So convenient and smooth.

    Mr Bolton - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Name parking signs better
    they are all very similer
    ( car park 1 long stay 1 jet parks 1
    sort stay 1)

    Mr Marshall - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 I recommend your car parks, great service, but after a long time getting home we boarded a transfer bus, and I hadn't got my parking letter immediately to hand, so I explained to the driver that I couldn't remember the name of the car park, but it was long stay, his sarcastic reply was that there isn't a name just long stay which had other passengers laughing at me, I assured him that there was a name I just couldn't remember and I got off the bus to find the document, while I searched my rucksack, he then said is it Jet parks. I said yes that's the name I was trying to remember, he said it isn't this bus it's the one in front, which we went to, and so did about a quarter of the passengers on his bus, who obviously hadn't been asked which car park they required. We could have easily got on his bus by mistake, I think it should be made clear which bus goes where, especially when youv'e had a long day and just want to get home, and can do without providing entertainment for a driver.
    Chris Stafford

    Mr Stafford - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Barrier failed to open for a number of cars. Could not get out for 15 mins. Where was security etc ???

    Mr Williams - 3 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Everything went very smoothly. No problems at all

    Mr Newton - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Everything went smoothly. Found a parking spot and waited just 4 minutes for a bus to the airport.

    Mr Hewitt - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 very good

    Mr Horsley - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Yes it was easy to find and the bus shuttle service was excellent

    Mrs Donald - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 WENT SMOOTHLY

    Mr Turner - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Car park is poorly sign posted, we ended up on the wrong car park and couldn't get off when we returned home.
    Barrier stayed down and machine was asking for £83 fee, luckily we managed to sort it with the operator, we were not the only customers having the same issue the directions and signs for Jet Parks 1 need making clearer.

    Mr Hayes - 3 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Yes very helpful.....couldn't have gone better

    Mr Paisley - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Very smooth, effortless parking. Will definitely be using it again.

    Mrs Rae - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 had to wait a little while for the bus to collect us from the arrivals terminal in the early hours... it seemed longer than mins

    Mr Hodgkinson - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Easy to find and enter with the ANPR on arrival. Bus came when it was supposed to and was easy to access. Driver was friendly. Same on the way back however my car and another was not recognised when leaving the barrier which caused a hold up atam.

    Miss Watkinson - 4 out of 5


    Mr Doyle - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 The service was spot on easy to use secure with reliable buses to and from airport to the car park

    Mr Kidd - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Had no problems, car park busy but did eventually find a space, no time at all waiting for the bus on departure and arrival.

    Mrs Martin - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 I found the spaces too small as I saw people struggling to get luggage out but my biggest disappointment was the signage to find the carpets! Bus transfers were great

    Mrs Hargreaves - 3 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 All good

    Mr Struszkowski - 5 out of 5

  • JetParks 1 Very good and really easy to use

    Mr Ludlow - 5 out of 5

Page 4 of 16 - Reviews for JetParks East Midlands (Showing 76 to 100 of 377)

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