Check availability :Short Stay Premium Yellow at Stansted

Short Stay Premium Yellow At Stansted Airport

Book today from just...

£100.00for 8 days parking (?)

  • BCP's Short Stay Premium Yellow At Stansted Airport is rated 88% by 132
  • Closest car park to check-in
  • 3 minute walk
  • Park your car and keep your keys
  • Park Mark accredited
  • Blue Badge parking bays

About Short Stay Premium Yellow

Short Stay Premium Yellow is one of the closest car parks to check-in at Stansted airport, making it a fab choice for any customers looking for a really easy parking experience. You are in control of your parking and you're only a short stroll away from check-in.

On your arrival

Parking at Short Stay Premium Yellow is completely hassle-free. Simply glide through the entry barriers, park in any space and stroll straight to the terminal, in just 1-4 minutes. No paperwork, no check-in desks and no handing in your keys.

Upon your return

Getting back is just as easy; walk to the Short Stay Premium Yellow car park and make your way to the exit barrier.

Transfers at Short Stay Premium Yellow

A transfers bus isn't required. You can walk to and from the terminal in less than4 minutes.

Disabled facilities at Short Stay Premium Yellow

Short Stay Premium is a suitable choice for travellers with limited mobility as a transfer bus isn't required. There are designated bays for Blue Badge holders. These spaces work on a first come first served basis.

Security at Short Stay Premium Yellow

Short Stay Premium car park holds the Park Mark award and is secured with CCTV, foodlighting, security barriers, entry and exit barriers, regular staff patrols and fencing.

Additional Information

  • The shortest time you can book parking at the Short Stay Premium Yellow car park with BCP is 24 hours. If you want to park for less time it will easier and significantly cheaper to pay when you arrive.